Anyone’s Child: Families for Safer Drug Control is an international network of families whose lives have been wrecked by current drug laws and are now campaigning to change them.
No one doubts that drugs can be dangerous – that’s why we should do all we can to prevent children and young people from taking them. But banning drugs and criminalising those who get involved with them causes even more harm.
Drug-gang violence, countless lives ruined by criminal records for possession, and entirely avoidable deaths from contaminated street drugs – the damage caused by the current approach can no longer be ignored.
We need to move beyond fear, discrimination and punishment, and towards drug laws that are centred around honesty, compassion and health.
“Alan and Miguel became part of the more than 100,000 deaths in Mexico since the drug war began. This war has devastated both my family and my country.”
“When I hear the news that a young person has died and yet another family has joined the bereaved parents’ club, I feel helpless as I wonder how many more need to die before someone in government will actually do something about it? As I stand by my child’s grave, what more evidence do I need that things must change?”

Supporters of the drug war claim it protects children and young people. But the evidence shows otherwise.
在哪里买家用梯子能够放心:2021-9-27 · 梯子是用来登高的,现在家庭橱柜、衣柜都是装的位置很高,人伞要取存物品就是要使用梯子来达到这高度。现在用的梯子有很多类型的,伸缩梯子、折叠梯子等等,要用什么样的得根据自己需要确定。购买家用梯子主要为了人伞家中使用更加便利,怎么买呢?
I pledge to spread the word about the need to reform our failed drug laws. I will tell my friends, family and politicians how the drug war harms young people, rather than protecting them. I will encourage people to look at the evidence and consider alternative approaches – such as decriminalisation and legal regulation.
By signing up you will receive communication about our activity and upcoming events, as well specific fundraising and activism asks.
Let those in power know you want to see a change in our approach to drugs – a change that will help keep children and young people safe.
Don’t let another young person become a casualty of our failed drug laws. It’s time for change | @anyoneschild

Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister
Tweet to @BorisJohnson

Yury Fedotov, Head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime
Tweet to @YuryFedotov

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico
Tweet to @lopezobrador_

Tweet to @realDonaldTrump